Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Quiet Nights

It seems that Jeremy's and my favorite way of spending our evenings together is with him playing a video game or watching his show of the week, and me on the computer, usually doing homework...but facebook, pinterest, and blog-reading as well. Sometimes, I get bored and join him in a co-op game or whatever.

I sometimes get criticized by whoever, with them saying something along the lines of "you don't spend any time together, you don't ever go out" or "get off the computer and hang out with your husband" or "he should get off the game and hang out with you," but honestly? We are sitting right beside each other, occasionally one of us might point something out, we laugh together, etc. I have no problem what-so-ever with his video games...even if he sits there all day long--and believe me, he has--it just doesn't bother me. After all, I play World of Warcraft ;) 

Every once in a blue moon we get that thing called a date night...and we usually end up wandering around wasting gas because we don't even know what people our age do anymore these days lol. I cook better than 99% of restaurants (not to toot my own horn or anything lol but that's just how I feel...I'd rather eat what I know for a fact I like than risk a hit and miss at a restaurant...that and its just never ever worth the money, especially since it's usually a miss). Not that it isn't nice to get a night off from parenting, but I just enjoy being at home. Call me a homebody ;)

I look forward to this part of the day more than any other time, and it's because we ARE spending time together. It may not be random-acquaintance-that-shouldn't-be-commenting-anyway's idea of fun...but I think it's perfect <3